Saturday, January 21, 2012

Unit Pricing??

I have been HIRED!! I am officially baking cupcakes for money!!  So exciting and fun! To be able to price the cupcakes I have to figure out the unit pricing for the cupcakes.  This blog will help me to calculate what they will cost!

unit pricing
The pricing of goods on the basis of cost per unit of measure.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Now I am ready for unit pricing!  I figured that it costs me $7.04 to make 24 cupcakes.  The frosting is expensive to make but it is so delicious that the cupcakes would not be the same without it!  I will charge maybe $.50 a cupcake would make the 24 cupcakes $12.00 and I would make around $5.00 for making them.  It is a good place to begin since it is a fun learning "job" for me.    Place your orders I have a price point (for now!)

Today I made a coconut cake for some one's birthday!! It is really really good!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fun with Fondant

fon·dant  noun

1. a thick, creamy sugar paste, the basis of many candies.
2. a candy made of this paste.

Watched the Cake Boss last night and they were working with fondant.  I wanted to work with fondant so badly because Buddy made it look easy and fun!  My Mom stopped after work and bought a box of fondant and a fondant smoother.  I will get to try out the rolling pin I got for Christmas from Santa!  Can't wait.... I had the two cake pans greased and my Dad helped me put the cake into the oven.  The cake was done when my Mom got home from work!  She took it out of the oven and put it into the frig to cool while we made dinner.  I am excited today because I will get to frost the "dirty frosting" on the cake all by myself.  We tried a #10 tip but found that just the coupler was fine to get a nice layer of icing on the cake.

Next I will roll out the fondant and get it ready with my new rolling pin.  We powdered the surface with some 10X sugar.  We didn't have to use much but it kept the fondant from sticking.

What I liked best was cutting out the shapes and learning to make a bow from fondant.  I was looking for a special cookie cutter (a pink butterfly) but I left it at Grandma's house so I will have to use the star. Mom should have kept my play-dough cutters for this!! We could have fun with fondant.

 The finished cake.  On my new Christmas cakestand.  I am happy about the bows and the blue stars!  It is great to taste and fun to bake! 
